For Authors

For a scientific article - in accordance with communication from the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 29 May 2013 regarding the criteria and procedures for the evaluation of scientific journals - is understood an article presenting the results of original research of an empirical, theoretical, technical or analytical, containing the title of the publication, the names of authors and their affiliation and showing the current state of knowledge, research methodology, the course of the research process and its results and conclusions, with examples of references (bibliography). Scientific paper also includes published in scientific journals of monographic studies, polemic or review, as well as voices or law comments.

Instructions for Authors preparing scientific article for publication

Scientific articles submitted for publication in the magazine "Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka" ("Measurement Automation Robotics") should fulfill the following criteria:

  • The title of the article (maximum 80 characters) in Polish and English,
  • The name and surname of the author / authors, e-mail address, affiliation (public, university, workplace)
  • A summary of the article (volume 200-250 characters) in Polish and English,
  • Keywords (5-8 terms) in Polish and in English
  • The essential part of the article - in Polish or English
  • Captions in Polish and English,
  • Table titles in Polish and English,
  • Illustrations / graphics as separate files in the format .eps, .cdr, .jpg, .png or .tiff, at min. 300 dpi, min. 1000 pixels wide, described in accordance with the numbering graphic in the text.

Editorial Board accepts scientific articles in MS Word format (.doc), .rtf, OpenOffice and LaTeX. In the latter case, please use the mats - download below. It is easier for grapfic if you will attached a pdf which contains all the elements, according to the Authors plan.

The article should have a volume of at least 0.6 publishing sheet should not exceed a volume of 1 sheet of publishing (40 000 characters with spaces or 3000 cm2 illustration, design), which gives approx. 8 pages of complex text. In the case of articles in excess of that volume is suggested division into parts. We do not print messages!

PAR reviewers system

Editorial board accepts only previously unpublished articles that have passed the editorial verification stage. The authors are solely responsible for the content of the article. Editorial board reserve the right to make cuts, linguistic and stylistic adjustments and changes in terminology. Before the publication of the final form authors should accept the article.

We are offering Authors and Reviewers reviewing system that ensures the implementation of the so-called double-blind review. By submitting an article to review, from article must be remove any elements indicating the origin of the article - the authors, affiliations, biographical notes.

Only after the review and amendments suggested by the reviewers, Authors have to formatted article in accordance with prepared workpieces. If you noticed problems, please contact the Editorial board.

We enhance you to use our reviewing system [CLICK]!

Statement regarding the disclosure of information on authors that contribute to the creation of the publication.

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Editorial board of scientific and technical magazine "Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka" by implementing the policy of Ministry of Science and Higher Education, related to authors ethical action requires form the authors and contributors of articles signing before accepting the article for publication in the PAR statement, which including:

  1. share information about the work which made in the preparation of publications each named author - the aim is to exclude cases of so-called. "guest authorship", ie. being added to the list of authors, names of persons whose participation in the creation of the publication was negligible or did not took a place at all.
  2. information which include in the publication all the people who have had a significant impact on its creation - the aim is to 
    1. confirm that all persons having participated in the creation of article were considered either as contributors or as a person, which the author / authors thank for the help in the preparation of publications,
    2. confirm that there is not existing a case of "ghostwriting", ie. there is no situation in which the person who makes a significant contribution to this article is not listed as a contributor or not mentioned its role in the acknowledgments, while attributing the authorship of a person who did not bring a significant contribution to the creation of publication
  3. Information about source of research founding, which results object of creation of article. In case of financing publications by research institutions, associations or other entities is required provide information about the source of funds so called “financial disclosure”. This information is mandatory, does not interfere with the usual statements which place at the end of the publication, information or gratitude for research funding.

Agreement on the free transfer of property rights to the works with a commitment to license CC-BY

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Upon acceptance of the article for publication the transfer copyrights to the publisher. Agreement is signed before submitting the paper for review. In the case of the negative reviews, the article is rejected the contract is terminated.