Wykorzystanie współrzędnościowej techniki pomiarowej w badaniach tworzyw sztucznych

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Maciej Augustyniak *, send Mateusz Barczewski **, Jacek Andrzejewski ** * Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Technologii Mechanicznej, Zakład Metrologii i Systemów Pomiarowych ** Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Technologii Materiałów, Zakład Tworzyw Sztucznych

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Na przykładzie skanera optycznego oraz klasycznej maszyny współrzędnościowej przeanalizowano możliwość i zasadność użytkowania tychże narzędzi w pomiarach tworzyw polimerowych.

Słowa kluczowe

deformacje, skaner 3D, tworzywa sztuczne, współrzędnościowa technika pomiarowa

The use of coordinate measuring technique in the study of plastics


This paper presents a practical aspect of the application of modern coordinate measuring technique in plastics processing. On the example of ATOS II 3D GOM scanner and the classical CMM examines the possibility and appropriateness of use of these tools in the study of polymeric materials. In connection with the use of different parameters of the injection molding of polymeric materials obtained have been promoting different degrees of crystalline of the material which we can observe in the form of deformation product geometry which is analyzed. Observation of these deformations and the subsequent analysis of the sample allow determining the impact of process parameters on the dimensional accuracy of molded parts. The use of optical and classical CMM allows us to analyze their differences and determine the suitability of the application of these tools in research on precision of manufactured of plastics. Results from measurements of the 3D scanner were presented in the form of surface deviation maps for easy observation of the global geometry changes for products manufactured from a variety of factors in injection process. There were also presented sections deviations. For comparison, similar (as possible) sections were measured on classical CMM. This research methodology allows assessing the property using two different tools developed in the coordinate measuring ntechnique, for research related with an accuracy of manufacturing in plastics processing.


CMM, deformations, optical scanner 3D, plastics


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